
The Holodomor was a famine-genocide that killed millions of people in Ukraine between 1932 & 1933.

Soviet authorities first seized all grain and eventually all food, forcing people to eat anything they could find to stay alive.


  • USSR wanted to industrialize its economy and to crush Ukrainian nationalism.

  • Soviets set brutally high grain quotas on Ukrainian villages.

  • Then sold the grain to other countries for profit.

  • When villagers couldn’t meet the quotas, police violently confiscated all other food.


  • Millions were starved to death in this man-made famine.

  • To survive, people resorted to eating hay, bark, roots and worse.

  • 4-7 million

    people died of starvation in Ukraine between 1932 & 1933.

50+Years The Holodomor was covered up and denied.

Help shed light on this tragedy.
Visit HolodomorTour.ca


One official arose and made a speech about this tragedy - the tragedy of having millions of people dying of hunger. He began to enumerate death figures…
Stalin interrupted him to say:

“If only one man dies of hunger, it is a tragedy. If millions die, that’s only a statistic.”